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Free tutorials

Here you'll find the patterns for the Easter ornaments.

To assemble them, follow us on Instagram from February 21.

Practical information and embroidery stitches are at the bottom of the page.

You can also consult the glossary and mini-classes.

Le Mouton
The Sheep

Ornement de Pâque-Mouton_edited_edited.j

La Corbeille
The Egg basket

Corbeille d'Å“ufs en feutrine

Le Tournesol
The Sunflower

Tournesol carton et feutrine

La Poule
The Hen

Poule FB.jpg

L'œuf à pois
The Polka-dot egg

ornement œuf de pâques


Je vous indique quelques uns de mes fournisseurs en fin de page "Outils et Fournitures"

1 mm cardboard: choose a rigid cardboard.

Patchwork fabrics

Fleece and wadding


Cord (3-4 mm)

Beads (approx. 1 cm)

Erasable pencil for fabric

Cardboard and felt glues

Embroidery Threads

Exemples de tissu
Exemples de feutrine

A few details

- To cut out the felt, tape the templates on top and use small scissors to cut them together.

Comment couper la feutrine

- As for the fleece, I usually use two layers: one the size of cardboard and a smaller one in the center, which gives a little more volume.

2 couches de molleton pour donner du gonflant

- If your cardboard is gray or printed, glue a thick white or straw-colored paper over it to prevent it showing through the fabric.


Then cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than the template and glue it to the cardboard. Clip if necessary and glue the excess to the back of the cardboard.

Gainer le carton d'un ornement

- To glue the cord, fold it in half, place the middle of the cord in the bottom of the ornament and glue to the edge, working your way up each side. Make sure the two sides meet in the middle of the top of the ornament. Insert the two pieces of cord into a bead, slide it onto the cardboard and apply a little glue to secure it. Tie a knot 7 cm above the bead.

Coller le cordon d'un ornement
Enfiler une perle les cordons

Embroidery stitches used

Blanket stitch for sewing two layers of felt together

Point feston

Fly stitch

point de plume

Back stitch

Point arrière

Running stitch​

Point avant

French knot stitch

Point de noeud

Overcast stitch

Schéma point de surjet

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